KEMPS - Creamy dreamy goodness

For Summer 2020, Kemps wanted some fun content to show off their frozen yogurt line-up, a lighter alternative to their ice cream counterparts. With awesome creative from North Coast CC, several animations were created to showcase the product’s delicious ingredients drifting in a weightless world, aka eye-dessert. Even though production was during the height of the COVID-19 lockdown, several new techniques, approaches, and an entirely remote workflow were able to hurdle the many new challenges it brought. Additionally, a full photo shoot wasn’t possible, so bakers hats were donned and a technology called photogrammetry came to the rescue, allowing us to capture and digitize ice cream, brownies, fudge, and others, without the need of a crew on set. Coconut Fudge will have a reserved space in the freezer - be sure to try it!

Client: NCCC, Kemps

Main Campaign

Coconut Fudge

Twisted Dough

Social Content

Asteroid Field


Looping Still Life

Drifting Clouds


photogrammetry process

While most projects are able to use some pre-created assets to save time, the organic and unique nature of brownies, cookie dough, ice cream, and more, required custom treatment. In order to achieve the best level of realism within the scope and time, we turned to photogrammetry - or the process of taking numerous high-res images of an actual object to build a digital 3D representation.

We were happily surprised to find that even with our pandemic-lockdown-macgyvered capture setup (seen below), submillimeter accuracy was captured. Asset textures were then polished up and modified in Substance Painter by Adam Dargan.

The COVID-19 lockdown required unique use of limited resources.

The COVID-19 lockdown required unique use of limited resources.